My child loves electronics. I don't have to tell anyone that. His preference is a remote control - even better if there is one for each hand! However, his latest crush seems to be the cell phone. We took one of Eric's old phones and removed the batteries so Carter can play with it. He loves it! He even knows how to open and close the flip phone, and he'll walk around and have conversations in baby talk. It's so freakin' cute!
Eric's sister, Ashley, babysat Carter last night so we could go to a movie. She snapped some pictures on her phone of Carter talking on HIS phone. My kid is a genius, I swear.

hahahaha oh goodness that is HILARIOUS. looks like he's learnin fast from his parents!!
Hmmm, Jenn, I wonder who he's "talking" to? Future girlfriend?? LOL That's cute. Jeff has a fascination with our VCR! I feel bad to reprimand him for sticking his hands where the tape goes, but I really don't want to replace it if he breaks it. His eyes twinkle at our cell phones, but those are off limits, no extras lying around... You're little dude is such a cutie.
He is such a darling. I need to plan a Grammy day with him soon.
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Bill Austin
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