Sunday, December 14, 2008


We had an extremely busy weekend!
Saturday, we spent several hours at my parents' house. I helped my mom do some Christmas baking. She baked seven dozen sugar cookies....which will be frosted at a later date. While she baked those, I dipped three cookie sheets of peanut butter balls into chocolate. Yumm!!! They were delish!! Carter came along for the ride and he had a great time.
He spots the cookies!!!

Grandma gave in and let him have one.

But he wanted to share. He must not get this from me.

And we attempted some family pictures for Christmas cards. We were able to get a couple okay ones, but Carter was just not in the mood for the camera. I was so let down - this never happens!! But, we will make use of what we do have and I'm sure they will turn out great!

Carter got to spend the night with his Grandma Michelle on Saturday night - which gave Eric and I a much-needed movie night. We ended up seeing Role Models, which was surprisingly good. It snowed like crazy and we have a couple inches right now. I hope it continues!!

This morning was my Aunt Taunya's Annual Ladies' Brunch....the food was amazing!! I'm certain I'm still in a food coma. My aunt and my grandma wouldn't hear of me not getting a Christmas tree, so they donated some money. So, Eric and I took the money and picked out a lovely tree. It's "settling" right now and we will most likely decorate it tomorrow. After we picked out the tree, we went and picked up Carter - I missed him so much!!!

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