Saturday, June 16, 2018

Day Trips

Since the rest of the year is going to be spent on major home projects, we knew Belize was going to be it for big travel plans. In between the projects, we plan to explore close-ish to home via little day/overnight trips here and there. This last weekend, we headed up to Lowman where my parents and aunt/uncle were already camped and just chilled with them for the day. No matter how brief the trip, that mountain air always revitalizes my spirit.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Small Victories

It's all of two weeks into summer break and these to have been AT EACH OTHER'S THROATS. As in, mom is about to take out a Craigslist ad and ship them OUT. However, every now and then, for about 13 seconds, they get along and give me this:
I guess they can stay. ;)

Friday, June 1, 2018

It's a Wrap!

Well, another school year has come to an end. Both kids made huge strides this year, academically, socially, and physically. I am so proud of their accomplishments and I know they are excited to get summer started!! 

 First day / Last Day