Saturday, January 3, 2009

Practice Makes Perfect

We bought Carter a new tooth brush a couple weeks ago. A little more fancy than the one that came with the baby kit. I think it may have Elmo on it. Nonetheless, we have developed a good schedule for brushing all of his 16's a good habit to start anyway. Though it seems to be harder to keep him focused on the task at hand......that, and he really loves that boy in the mirror!

There's that boy in the mirror!
He's pretty fond of him......even gives him kisses too!

He kissed back!

Ok, back to what we're here for.

Or, we can be distracted by the lights.

Focus, my child.


CreativeMish said...

Does he take after his dad?? Loves the mirror! LOL!

Lo said...

heh. french kisses on the mirror. reminds me of junior high.

ahem. did i just type that? :)

GORGEOUS boy. seriously. and gorgeous you!!!!!!!!!