Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Learning is the name of the game at our house these days. If my child is going to live up to his genius standards, I better start early! (As I type this, Carter is lying in his crib. He is supposed to be going to bed, but all I hear is "ya ya ya ya ya". Too cute!) Anyway....so.....where was I? Oh yes - we were learning.

So, one of the things we are working on with Carter is matching. He has a block set of farm animals, and Farmer Joe. The blocks have little handles and come out of the main wood piece. You (or the child, whoever wants to play) is supposed to match the picture on the block with the picture on the main piece. Carter does really well with this. He can't quite rotate the blocks so that they fit flush in the main piece, but at least he puts the block directly over the matching animal, or Farmer Joe. Second, he is big into reading. We have two baskets full of books (the hard, cardboard paged ones for now) and he loves to read each one, back to back to back to back.....get it? until the baskets are empty. I'm especially proud of the "I Spy" book because he can match up the "I Spy" item with the matching item on the corresponding page. He's so freakin' smart!
The last thing we are working on is eating brownie/cookie bars. Weird thing is, he needed zero direction on this task. He knew exactly what to do. Considering his mama's blood is running through him, I was not at all surprised that he handled dessert food so well. He makes a mom proud! :-]


♥Jacqueline said...

Those brownies look mighty tasty. ;o)

Lo said...

SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!! i love how his feet are straight out in front of him as he reads. oh lordy so cute.

you are such a good mom!!!!!!!!!!

CreativeMish said...

He is so cute. I love how he stops his concentration to look at you and smile!