Thursday, January 22, 2009

Completely Random

So, as I was lying in bed last night, I started thinking about my sleeping habits/patterns and then wondered if they were weird.

I sleep on my sides. Every now and then, I will sleep on my stomach. And in rare instances, I will sleep on my back.

I have to face the opposite direction of the hubby - I cannot sleep facing him if he's facing me. It's a weird quirk of mind - I don't like sharing air or having people in my bubble.

I don't like to be touched while I am sleeping. I can cuddle before going to sleep, but once I have reached the point where I am committed to actually falling asleep, I push the arm off of me. For two reasons: (1) I just don't like to be touched while I am sleeping and (2) the hubby twitches in his sleep and it I am a light sleeper, so any movement wakes me up. So I refuse to be entangled in his arms, legs, whatever while we are sleeping.

I have to be completely covered by the blankets - like, up to my neck. It weirds me out if any limb is uncovered.

And I still sleep with a blanket. Mostly to prop my head up out of the pillow. I can't stand sinking down into a pillow - especially sicne I sleep on my sides and the pillow inevitably ends up covering my face. So I put a blanket under my head to prop me up. It's my baby blanket, by the way. That my grandmother made for me before I was born. And she's gone now. So it's all I have left of her. And it's falling apart horribly. But I can't part with it.

So tell me - do you have any strange sleeping habits?


Perfectly Unperfect said...

I have to sleep on the side nearest to the bath room and the door.

I can sleep on my right side, but I must fall asleep on my left side. I cannot fall asleep on my right side at all.

I do not like anyone touching me while I am sleeping either. I don't like anyone in my space. I think that comes from someone always being in my space while I am awake.

Also, my fiance twitches in his sleep too. What is up with that??

Marchelle said...

just so you know, you and i? we could totally sleep together in perfect harmony.

i do not like to be 'cuddled' to sleep. in fact, just don't touch me at all. (my marriage is just fine though, thankyouverymuch!)

i sleep on my sides & sometimes tummy (but i'll wake up from a 'i'm being strangled' dream if i sleep on my back.)

i only like covering up with the sheet, no big blanket... so you can have it!

i have a small rectangle throw pillow that i put UNDER my pillow to prop it up. it has to be pushed back against the headboard and at an angle so my big pillow will be at just the right angle & firmness.

i cannot face the hubby for the exact same reasons you can't.

so, whenever we all get together for the big bloggy sleepover - you and me are totally sleeping by each other.

Itskellerific said...

I think a little more of our beloved OCD Jenn may be showing herself here. LOL.

Jenn said...

I'm not sure what's up with the twitching. But that's how I know he's actually asleep. And it goes ALL night long - not just right as he falls asleep. Drives me crazy!

Marchelle - I so look forward to that sleepover, lol! Unless we roll over and have another blogger in our face. Then we're going to be in a world of trouble!

Wendie - you hush! It's NOT OCD, lol! It's just personal preferences when sleeping. And that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

Lo said...

dude i could totally sleep with you and marchelle. (ahem. never thought i'd type THAT sentence.) i sleep on my side, AWAY from my husband.

i have a phobia of leaving my back exposed to the room, so if i'm sleeping along, i have to prop pillows behind my back. yeah. like pillows are going to protect me from the

MONSTER UNDER THE BED which is why NO PART of my body whatsoever can be hanging over the edge of the bed. that's monster territory, yo.

also sheets need to be untucked and i have to be able to stick my feet out. and i can't wear socks. ugh. not unless i'm FREEZING.

i use a temperpedic pillow so, no sinking feeling there!

the room has to be cold, quiet, and dark. i am a light sleeper too.

oh and no sheets below 400 thread count. cuz i'm a snob.

♥Jacqueline said...

I think everyone has weird quirks about how they sleep. So, I wouldn't put much thought into it and be glad that you are one of the RARE few of us out there that actually get 8 hours! LOL ;o)

CreativeMish said...

Most people twitch as they fall asleep and a little bit in the deep REM sleep. I know that I do. It used to drive Bill crazy. Maybe Eric gets it from his Mother?? :)

I don't like being touched either when I'm ready to go to sleep! I like my own side of the bed!

Itskellerific said...

I used to work in a sleep lab (crappiest job EVER), and for the life of me I cannot remember why some people twitch when they fall asleep. It definitely isnt REM-related when Eric first dozes off because he would only be in stage 1 or 2 of sleep and REM doesn't uccur until much later.

Jon also twitches when he first falls asleep. It's not just a little twitch either, he jolts the whole bed! It bugs the crap out of me.