Sunday, January 4, 2009

I'm Surrounded by Geniuses

Do you see my cat, Joey, below? Tell me what you don't see. Ok, I'll tell you. A heating vent. Apparently the house isn't warm enough and Ms. I-Don't-Pay-The-Heating-Bill feels it necessary to hog the entire vent!
And she totally looks like she feels really bad about it, too.


Lo said...

hehehehehehehe!!! what a CUTE cat. i love cats. my cat daisy is just as weird. it's cuz they're cats. ALL cats are selfish but loveable :)

Barbara said...

He is a smart one. He is a pretty cat. Smiles B

Itskellerific said...

i love cats. each and every one of them has their own special, unique quirks.

joey is beautiful!

♥Jacqueline said...