Saturday, January 17, 2009

Another Haircut Under Our Belts

Friday evening was haircut time for the family - we all needed trims and cuts. So we headed over to Ashley's lovely salon.
We let Carter wander around a bit to get used to the place - haircuts are just not his cup o' tea. And that's putting it mildly.
We even started in on the snacks early. And offered him a lovely massage - he wasn't into that at all. He will learn. You just don't turn down a massage!

We got back to Ashley's station and Carter got a snazzy cape! But I don't think it was foolin' him. He knew something was up.

So, Ashley started with the spray bottle. He was quite leary of this.

Until we let him drink from the squirt bottle - it was clean water. And this picture below is the last one I was able to get during the haircut process. Bloodcurdling screams ensued and I had to put the camera down and it took all three of us to get that haircut done!! Sheesh!

He was NOT happy. He wonders why we keep doing this to him. BUT..............................

Then that handsome boy in the mirror came out to play!

And someone's mood improved greatly.

And he forgot allllll about that dang haircut. Until next time.

1 comment:

Brandy said...

men...they never learn.

those mirror pictures are sooooooo cute.