Monday, April 20, 2009

A Sweet Goodbye

So I decided last week that it was time to say goodbye to.......................the pacifier.

So this weekend was the test. Friday, when I put Carter down for the night, I didn't go through the usual routine of finding one of the two pacifiers left in the house (at one time, I swear we had at least a the car, in my purse, in his room, in OUR room, in the diaper bag, in the SPARE diaper bag, etc. You get it.) I just put him down and told him I love him and walked out. I was fully prepared to wake up several times with him throughout the night as he cried for his comforting friend. He didn't wake. Not once. And Saturday, when it came time for his nap, I cringed, thinking there's no way we could go 2 for 2. But we did. Never a peep for that pacifier. And of course Saturday night and last night went just as well. I'm thinking the pacifier had pretty much become a distraction for him.....something to wake him up when it fell out at night, and he would embark on his search of the crib to find it again, crying the whole time.

So, dear pacificer, your time has come. Thank you for your services; however, they are no longer required. One less item to take up the already cramped real estate in my purse and the diaper bag. :-)


Adorned with Lace said...

that is great! I like the pacifier with bling haha

♥Jacqueline said...

That's AWESOME!! Especially nice when it's so easy. Jeffrey didn't know how to suck very well, and frankly, I got sick and tired of holding it in for him. So we took it away from him, and he didn't even miss it. Funny how kids forget. LOL