Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Easter Weekend

Since we don't celebrate Easter, Carter colored you an Easter egg instead. We support the Easter Bunny!

I LOVE watching his little fingers at work. So precious!!

Happy Easter weekend - no matter how you celebrate!!!


♥Jacqueline said...

Happy Easter! We go egg hunting, but we don't go to church or anything either. Can't wait to see what you guys do this weekend!

Lo said...

you don't celebrate easter, meaning.... you still do baskets, right? right?? oh lordy be, tell me you do an easter egg hunt!!! best memories of my childhood, searching for plastic easter eggs filled with candy :) is that a dog i see in the first photo???? you have a DOG and i didn't KNOW? WHAT is going ON??????? eeee!!! you must divulge asap.