Saturday, April 25, 2009

Let the Swimming Continue

......well, not that it hasn't. The camera just hasn't come with us. And if it behaves again like it did tonight, it will be staying home grounded. I'm not sure what the deal was, but virtually every picture was fuzzy. But we had fun nonetheless.
Carter has really taken a liking to the water. He's not afraid to get in at all - though depending on the temperature of the water, the shaking does set in. The last time we went, it was really warm. This time? Not so much. At all. It was cold even for me.
And jumping in? The child has no fear. He loves it. And he has mastered holding his breath....he doesn't come up choking on water anymore.

And he loves all the floaty toys. The gym where we have our membership has many locations throughout the valley, and since we moved, we have been going to a different location. And this new location has LOTS of floaty toys. The other had none. So it was a good move.

His concentration was off tonight. There were waaaay too many little girls around and he was being a little flirt! They all love him and I can't say that I blame them.

And the lifeguard even offered to take a family pic. What a great kid! We'll definitely keep coming back to this location.


♥Jacqueline said...

At least the family pic wasn't fuzzy. Looks like you guys had a great time! :o)

CreativeMish said...

Looks like alot of fun! Maybe he'll be an olympic swimmer!