Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Open for Business

So a little while back, I decided to take my blog off the public market. Without going into a whole lot of unnecessary detail, I was informed that I have an ex-friend who likes to check my blog regularly. Why, you ask? I have no idea. Apparently my life is just THAT fascinating and she feels the need to stalk my every move. Flattering? Not so much. Creepy? Absolutely.

However, taking my blog private really placed a burden on my regular readers to create accounts, sign in, etc. and that's not what I want. This is supposed to be a place for my family and friends to follow along on my journey. And I understand that from time to time, random people would stumble upon the blog.....people that don't really have any business reading about my life. And I was fine with that. I'm always careful to limit sensitive information and crop out addresses from photographs, etc. And while this one specific person isn't family (thank god) and is no friend I would ever wish on even my worst enemy (oh, wait...ha ha), she's not important enough to continue to inhibit all the other folks who DO read my blog.

So, read on my friends. I guess I just need to accept the fact that I have a permanent psycho stalker who just can't get enough of my life. Yay me.


Lo said...

way to stick it to em!!!!! :) and yes, i am a random that stumbled across your blog, but am SO THANKFUL that i did!!!! :)

♥Jacqueline said...

Yay! I'm happy now, cause I could get your updates. Anywho. I think everyone has had a stalker, well, at least I know I have have. LOL

Way to go!

CreativeMish said...

Some people are weird! We got a call in the middle of the day once. Bill took the call while I was at work and it was one of my blog readers. He had no idea who it was or how they got my phone number.. but she just wanted to let me know my blog is really inspiring! Now that is creepy!!!

Itskellerific said...

You poor thing.

If I have a stalker, I definitely DO NOT want to know about it. It would freak me out.

Will you just leave it at this, or will you call this stalker and tell her to back off? Why do you think she is so interested in you?
Do you really feel that she is stalking, or just interested in your life? Maybe she wants to be your friend again?

So many questions!