Friday, April 17, 2009

Random Fact #58

{DISCLAIMER: the pictures in this post are NOT me}
I used to have my tongue pierced.....for about 8 years.

And I also used to have my belly button pierced.....for maybe 3 years.

Both of which were ended by pregnancy.

I LOVED having my tongue pierced. It cut off the need to chew on pens, straws, etc. It didn't hurt one fact, getting my ears pierced hurt more. I got really sick for a couple of months like two years ago and decided it was time to ditch the tongue piercing (much to my father's delight, I'm sure). I miss it. I still move my tongue to play with what isn't there anymore....kind of like the phantom limb theory? Shhh....just go with it. I miss it. I want it back.

I pierced my belly button several years ago - my friend at the time wanted hers done, but she was being a chicken. So I went and did mine, thinking that would light a fire under her. Her husband wouldn't "allow" it and I was on a mission to show her that she can do whatever the hell she wanted to - it was HER body. And she did it. I was proud. For like a second. Because she ended up being a backstabber. But....water under the bridge and all that, right?

Anyway - once the latter stages of pregnancy belly set in, it was time to take out the barbell because it was honestly starting to hurt. I DON'T miss that piercing. It never really healed right and was quite uncomfortable. Plus, I don't have the flat tummy for that one anymore.


Marchelle said...

i had to take my bellybutton one out too b/c of pregnancy. i was able to put it back in between pregnancies, but that 2nd once was the clencher... didn't quite bounce back as well, and let's just say it wouldn't look so hot! LOL

i never had the tongue piercing, but i had my nose pierced with a tiny diamond stud and I.LOVED.IT. sooooo much and i MISS it like crazy!! i had it between pregnancies too and took it out right after i got prego w/the girl b/c my little brother said i was "a mom now"... whatever! i have seen women older than me with them and it makes me want one again!!

♥Jacqueline said...

LOL. I had a friend that was going to go get a tattoo and offered to do something for me. So, I got my tongue pierced (circa 7/04). Well, I thought it would be a great idea to clean it. Guess what? I forgot to put it back in (11/04)! LOL. So, needless to say, I only had it for 4 months! :o)

Itskellerific said...

I used to have my tongue pierced. And I had it pierced several times after that (I was indecisive). I agree that it doesn't hurt - the first time. When I got it re-pierced it hurt, scar tissue and all.

Lo said...

i have my belly pierced, have had it since ... i was 16. i'm 24. i can't do that math- so there :) never had the tongue, saw a friend who's tongue swelled NASTY STYLE and was all, yo, i'm cool. i pierced my nose five years ago, took it out, and am going to pierce it, again, in three weeks. yippie!!!!! i also have three tattoos...... one up my rib cage, one on my hip, one on the small of my back .love. them.

and also? thanks for freakin me out about pregnancy belly button k thanks bye. eeeeeep!!!!