Friday, April 3, 2009

R.I.P Mr. Ducky

So our neighborhood and the daycare neighborhood have LOTS of ducks. They are always waddling along the sidewalks, taking a snooze in people's yards, even walking across the street. And I love it. It's fun to watch them....especially now that they are walking around in their mating pairs.

This morning, though, I was driving to daycare and saw one that had been hit by a car. I was instantly pissed off because these ducks are not a new thing to our neighborhoods. Who hits a duck?!?! Seriously. It's not like they are squirrels, darting in and out of traffic. They move slow, walking and quacking down the street. Their vibrant colors make them very easy to see. But Mr. Duck was not so lucky this morning. And when I drove back by, I was even more saddened to see three other ducks standing there....and I imagined their conversation, their confusion. What happened to their friend? Was it one of the female's mates, that she has now lost forever?

I know I'm overreacting, but I just don't understand how someone runs over a duck. What a crappy start to a Friday.


♥Jacqueline said...

That sucks! But like most Boise drivers, they don't care about anyone or anything. I plan to post about something very similar soon...
Not about ducks though, but close.

Lo said...

my eyes are tearing up!!!! you're right, there's no excuse. someone was driving so irrationally that they hit something very, VERY SIMILAR TO A CHILD. wtf people???? do you REALLY need to get there THAT. DAMN. BAD.??? sigh. poor duckie.

CreativeMish said...

That is sad! I almost hit a goose last week. I didn't even see it at 5:30 in the morning until it was right in front of me... I about had a panic attack as I slammed on my breaks!