Excuse me while I have a moment.
This kid? Is the cutest thing I have ever seen. I'm sure every mom feels this way about her child(ren). And seriously. He's cute beyond words. And I love him more than anything in the world.
But where am I in him? All I see, especially in these pictures, are traces of OTHER people. I see my dad in some pictures. My husband in others. Even my brother. But no me.
And it hit me tonight when I was editing these pictures (besides the fact that they are still fuzzy and I'm having some doubts about my camera....or maybe it's the operator) and I was up close and personal with some portions of the pictures......he doesn't even LOOK like me. And it seriously breaks my heart.
But no one makes that kid smile like I do. No one makes him laugh harder. And no one loves him more than I do. And that makes me feel better.
Having know Eric as a baby, I have to agree that Carter looks just like him. BUT, with a capital B, he looks like you more than you think. I can see both of you in him. People tell me my kids look like me and I'm like, WTF? No way! Not even. It's easier for outsiders to see the resemblences than it is for us to see them. So rest assured, he DOES look like you!
That's super cute! Don't worry. He MAY have your attitude... ;o)
Re-posting what my mother sent to me:
By the way, I read your blog this morning. Carter looked more like you when he was younger. But even more than him looking like you, there are other things that show that he has your genes.
He talks just as much as you do. He screams almost as loud as you do. And he crawls up and climbs on things, just like you did. So sometimes genes aren't just about the physical looking like you.
He has certain expressions that remind me of you. His lips look more like yours, And like your Mom's say's.. It's not always just the looks.. :)
Jenn...look at the picture of Carter and you titled LOVE. If those noses aren't exactly alike, I don't know what he is. He is most certainly the combination of two very good lookin' parents and you have every right to be damn proud of the handsome little rascal. :)
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