When we first moved into our new house, we were handed a copy of the subdivision covenants, which I read thoroughly. I knew we were going to run into a problem with Eric's work truck and trailer. But we took a shot anyway and kept it parked on the street, in front of our house. Of course, it didn't take long for the neighbors to take a convenient walk by our house and ask us if we had had a chance to read the covenants. And to provide us with an extra copy. So nice, these people are. So we took the truck and trailer off the street and parked them on the side of our house - there was plenty of room. Parking them behind the fence was not an option, as we have a boat already parked back there. Again, I knew we were pushing the rules since neither the truck nor trailer were behind a fence. But we were running out of options. It wasn't yet approved for Eric to leave the trailer at the jobsite, and he wasn't going to leave it parked out on some busy street for someone to break into.
We finally received, via letter, a formal complaint from the HOA(ssholes), setting forth that we had 10 days to remove the truck and trailer (from our own property, no less) or an injunction would be filed with the court.
So Eric finally cleared it through his company to have one of the other guys take the truck and trailer and drive it until the next job, where they could be left at the jobsite, if Eric buys a hitch lock. Which we can do. Fine. Problem solved.
Until this last weekend, that is.
Now, we drive down the street and see this:
and this:

neither of which, as we so clearly know, are allowed.
So what's the catch? Why are these allowed to be parked for a week straight with no action?
Double standards drive me nuts! I'm all for rules; but they need to be applied across the board.
(excuse the poor quality pictures - I only had the phone camera on me)