Friday, July 11, 2008

What are your quirks?

Eric's mom, Michelle tagged me to do this.
Here are 6 quirks of mine.
1. I hate repeating myself. I prefer people just listen the first time around, lol.
2. I walk with purpose. It drives me nuts when people just meander and block the way.
3. My desk at work is organized chaos - but I know where everything is. And I hate when people move stuff around. I can always tell when someone has been at my desk because even the smallest thing moved will catch my eye. Everything has a place and if it's moved, it will drive me nuts. Same thing at home - we have lived there for almost two years. You think Eric would know where things go by now, lol!
4. I'm all about fairness and equality. It bothers me when people aren't fair or when a person thinks they are better than someone else...for whatever reason.
5. I like to do things my way.
6. I turn off the radio in the car when I'm talking on the phone, or if I'm trying to follow directions to a new place.
If you read my blog, TAG, you're it. Blog about six of your quirks and make sure you link back to me...leave a comment and let me know you posted. Enjoy!

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