Monday, July 21, 2008

Weekend Recap

So Eric and I were able to get away this weekend....somewhat alone.....and away from Carter. I did pretty well - really started missing my little guy Saturday night, and then was really impatient to get home Sunday.

So we headed out Friday after work. My brother, Dana, and his girlfriend, Tracy, decided that they were going to head up with us, so we had to leave a paper plate trail to our camp.

And we stopped along the way to get some fire wood. Does this picture scare anyone? Because it did me!!

Once we got to camp, we set the timer and took a picture. We're corny....we know, lol.

Here is Eric cooking us dinner Friday night.

On Saturday, we shot Eric's gun. On the left is Eric's target, on the right is mine. Needless to say, I was the champ of shooting. And I think Eric is officially scared of me now!!


spanki said...

what a fun weekend! i still have my target paper from the very first time my husband, then boyfriend, took me to sight our guns in, from that moment on, he knew not to mess with me! i have used that as leverage every since, that was almost 10 yrs ago!!

Itskellerific said...

i am so jealous! as the years pass, i miss idaho less and less. when i see pictures like yours i want to be there so bad! i am so depressed after reading this post!

jon and i are coming to idaho either late this year or early next year, maybe you and eric could take us on a camping trip? we dont have all the cool stuff you two do and jon definitely lacks the basic skills one has to have to go camping.