Thursday, July 10, 2008

Highlighting Idaho - Meet the Sawtooth Mountains

Meet the Sawtooth Mountains:

The Sawtooth Mountains are located not far from my family's cabin, actually. I have seen them several times. Though I have personally never hiked in these mountains, some members of my family have and the stories are great. Maybe one day, I can hike to the top.

The Sawtooth Mountains are located near Stanley, Idaho (seen above). The Stanley Basin is basically cattle country. The basin is bordered by three mountain ranges with 40 peaks OVER 10,000 feet and 300 high lakes. The streams flowing from the Sawtooth Mountains merge into the Salmon River - The River of No Return. (we'll discuss this River in a later post)

Here is a picture I took last year on a fishing trip Eric and I took to Stanley.


Cristie said...

I love Stanley and the Sawthooths. It is so beautiful up there. I haven't been in years.

CreativeMish said...

Stanley is my favorite place to camp! I love it near Stanley Lake

spanki said...

thanks for the comment! i love your blog, i will be back to visit! your son is adorable! can't wait to hear about that wedding!!