Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Please Don't Let This Happen to Me

I know it's going to. It's inevitable. Children are just bound to mortify you with their innocent comments. This happened to someone I know, the following is her story about a shopping trip with her grandson.
The only thing I remember from this weekend since it will stay with me FOREVER is....Went to Walmart with my sweet Gage. He was sitting in the cart being a very good boy. Little background here...a few months back, Gage discovered the word nipple. Said it obsessively for a couple days, wanted to see everyone's nipples, you know the drill, but then he stopped and I haven't heard the word again UNTIL....ready to check out, lines are crammed with people. I take my place in line and all of a sudden Gage shouts out (he talks VERY loud like most 3 yr olds) "Are these your nipples Nonnie?" At the same time he reaches out and grabs my boobs! I was a little taken aback to say the least and tried vainly to ignore EVERY single person in the lines turning to look at me. So, I choose to ignore him to which he speaks at an even louder tone..."Nonnie, I SAID, ARE THESE YOUR NIPPLES??" Again, pointing and trying to grab mine. Then he begins to repetitively say Nipples like some demented rainman...Nipples, nipples, nipples, nipples, nipples, nipples...people are actually laughing out loud now and I knew I had to act fast so I said, "Look Gage, it's Darby!" (From winnie the pooh) He immediately forgets the nipple talk to give himself whiplash looking for Darby. He looked all the way thru my checkout, saying goodbye to the cashier, and just when I was THIS CLOSE to making a clean getaway, he shouts out....DOES DARBY HAVE NIPPLES??? Off we go again!


CreativeMish said...

Kids say the darndest things! LOL!

Rita said...