Sunday, July 13, 2008

Bridal Shower Recap

I know, I know....I promised these last night, and then first thing this morning. However, I'm just now getting to it. Don't hate me!

For some reason unknown to me, my blog will only let me post five pictures per post. I can't figure out how to change it. So there will be a couple follow up posts with more pictures.

The shower was GREAT! My friend Jenny did such an excellent job. There was delicious food, fun games, etc. It was everything I wanted it to be.

Here is the food table. We had mini sandwiches, a fruit salad that was soooo good, chips and salsa (YES), punch, margaritas (YES YES), and these little dill pickles that were wrapped in cream cheese and ham. Something I had never heard of, but oh my gosh, they were delish! I highly recommend them - AND they are easy to make!

Here is the cake - it had butter cream frosting.....which I looooove. I mean, I love cake as is. I'm not prejudiced to any form of cake. But if it has butter cream frosting, I love it even more. Though, in looking at the cake, I see that the store forgot to put an "s" on congratulationS. Oh well, it tasted delish nonetheless.

Here are some of the guests - lots of family and friends.

More family and friends.

And this would be me, stuffing my face. Another thing in life I excel at! LOL

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