Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Meet Jenny

Name: Jenny
Location: Boise, Id
Age: 26
Let me introduce you to Jenny.

Jenny was born and raised in Eureka, Nevada. Ever heard of it? Me neither. It's a very, very small town, with one main street. After high school, Jenny got the heck out of there. She moved to Florida and got her cosmetology license. She worked for a year before making her way to Boise, Idaho. I first met Jenny when she became a runner for the first law office I worked at. We immediately became friends, doing lunch pretty much every day, hanging out after work, etc. Eventually, it was time for me to move on to a different law office, and Jenny and I kind of lost touch. But we got back in touch over a year ago and pretty much picked up right where we left off. She is now an office manager for a law firm here in Boise - Moore, Baskin & Elia.

Jenny is my goofy friend. She is constantly cracking me up and is known for asking the most random questions, i.e., "do you have to walk very far to get to your bathroom at work?" She is a very giving person and is always offering to take care of people. She is an excellent hostess when people are in her home - always making sure people have something to eat and drink and are comfortable. She's going to make an excellent mother some day!! But in the meantime, she gets to practice on my little guy. Carter just loves "the crazy lady."

Jenny just purchased her own house this year and it's so exciting. She also just got engaged to a great man, Greg. Jenny and Greg love doing outdoor-sy things together and I think they are an excellent couple. Jenny has a little dog named Hank, who is special (ed). Seriously, Hank is goofy just like Jenny and they make a perfect pair as well. Good thing Greg came along!!

Here is my interview with Jenny.
#1 Have you ever eaten a crayon?
Not that I know of, but I ate glue when I was a kid.

#2 What do you think of toe socks?
They bug me, although, I do own a few pairs. I need to get rid of them.

#3 Do you match your shoes/belt/etc with your clothes? (i.e., black with black, or brown with brown)
Usually. It depends what I am doing, where I am going and how lazy I’m feeling that day.

#4 Have you ever run into a screen door or glass door?
Yes, when I was younger. I was in a hurry to get outside and play and didn’t realize the screen wasn’t open. Glad it was just the screen not the glass!

#5 What is your worst injury you have ever had?
I broke my arm in gymnastics. It broke it in three places. Ouch is right!

#6 What type of person were you in high school?
I was a cheerleader. That says it all right there. I didn’t like high school. Thank god I don’t ever have to go back!
(I didn't realize Jenny was a cheerleader in high school. Jenny is no longer my friend and will not be in the wedding. Just kidding!!!! But seriously, I CANNOT picture her as a cheerleader, being all.....peppy and whatnot.)

#7 What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
No secret weapon.

#8 What do you think of when I say the word "persnickety"?
I know a few.

#9 What would you like to know about the future?
Nothing, thanks.

#10 Have you ever cried (or used some other womanly form of blackmail) to get out of a ticket?
No, but I did get pulled over twice in one day and that almost made me cry.

#11 Have you ever stood someone up?

#12 Have you ever illegally parked in a handicapped spot? And if yes, how do you think that made the handicapped person you just robbed of a spot feel?
Guilty. You can’t find parking at Christmas time!

#13 Where is the wierdest place you have a mole?
On my stomach next to my bellybutton.

#14 Do you have any wierd daily routines/habits?
I have daily routines, but I don’t think any of them are weird.

#15 Do you use the "hover" technique in public restrooms?
You better believe it. Public restrooms gross me out!

#16 Do you parallel park or drive around the block for an easier spot?
I cannot parallel park, so I will drive around until I find an easier spot.

#17 How often do you clean out your ears?
Once a month.
I clean them out everyday.

#18 Do you scrunch or fold your toilet paper?

#19 Have you ever lied to your mother? (shame on you)
#20 Do you laugh at yourself when you trip and totally fall on your ass?
Not only do I laugh at myself; I tend to laugh at others.

And that's Jenny. I guess I can look past the whole cheerleader thing.....since it was like eight years ago anyway. However, if I happen to find an old cheer uniform in her house one day, that's it! We are over!

1 comment:

CreativeMish said...

ditto! Sounds like you have nice friends