Thursday, February 19, 2009

Random Fact #56

I prefer Miracle Whip over regular mayo.

In all honesty, I will eat either. My preference, however, is Miracle Whip. I like the tangy flavor. This may be because I grew up with Miracle Whip - it's what my mom would buy for us. Every other house we went to seemed to have just regular mayo. And for the longest time, I couldn't stand the regular mayo those sandwish places served on their sandwiches. My husband refuses to eat Miracle Whip. So we have both in our house.


Lo said...

i think it's whatever you grew up with. my mom HATES DESPISES both, so i never ever had them until i met my husband, and tried his sandwich. i fell in love with mayo. only the heinz will do. low fat. love it. i'm too much of a chicken to try miracle whip!!!! oh and did you know that russians use mayo as a marinade for chicken? yeah. weird.

Marchelle said...

i am a miracle whip child.

but i will eat mayo on my whopper or at subway.


♥Jacqueline said...

I'm sorry, YUCK! Ross eats Miracle Whip, I eat Light Mayo. No arguments about that...

Itskellerific said...

Jon and I both prefer mayo, but I will eat both. Jon won't touch Miracle Whip. I use miracle whip when I make salad sandwiches like tuna salad or chicken salad. You're right, it adds a nice tang.

I was raised in a Miracle Whip home.