So for those of you who don't know (and how could you NOT?!?!), today was the big day. The day I have been waiting for, for......hell, I don't know how long. A LONG time, let me just say that. Today was the day my new camera and all the goodies it came with arrived at my house. The big box sat, lonely, on my doorstep for about one whole hour before I arrived home. (I'm surprised my stalker didn't take it!!) Soon enough, I arrived home with the child (yes, I cared enough to stop and pick him up first....though I almost considered leaving him for another hour. I kid, I kid. Maybe. Seriously though, I did consider it.) and we tore into that box.
And let me just say, upon opening that box, the child and I were in heaven. Little known (or maybe not) fact about me? I LOVE bubble wrap. It brings me joy. I have no clue why. And the child also loves anything that makes loud POPPING noises. He's a 2 year old. He has an excuse. I don't have one. Spare me.
And I may have been a little excited. (Please Note: I had pressure from many, many people to take pictures while I was opening my slice of heaven. So these are beyond super cheesy....for a reason.
Next up, the lens cleaning kit.
Then the screen guard. I'm not sure I will use this, actually. Thoughts, anyone?
And now we enter the land of CHEESEBALL, as my husband so eloquently put it.

First thing out was the camera strap....I love it. My current camera has one too and I can't imagine having a camera without one.

Savoring the big moment!
Ta da!
So here we have it: Canon Rebel XS with the 18-55mm lens on it.