Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Park It

We've had incredibly gorgeous weather lately - so we have been outside taking full advantage before the cooler weather sets back in (like, tomorrow).  This weekend, we spent quite a bit of time at the park.  It was virtually deserted, so we had our run of the place.

 There were also some spare basketballs in the grass that someone had left behind, so we tried out some of the shorter hoops.  And let me tell you, Carter tried and tried with all of his might to get that ball in the hoop.  It didn't work.  ;)
 But he enlisted the help of his daddy and together, they were able to make a basket happen.
 And they even had a hopscotch contest.  Carter's little legs were still too small to take full advantage of the game, but they still had a great time nonetheless!

Cooler weather is coming back soon, so I think we'll be back at the (indoor) pool this weekend.  But this taste of spring-like weather sure has me itchin' to be outdoors on a more regular basis! Come on, spring - show your face!


CreativeMish said...

it looks like you had a great time at the playground

Perfectly Unperfect said...

Love the shot of Carter trying to make a basket.
