Name: Meag
Location: California
Age: 32
Location: California
Age: 32
Let me introduce you to Meag.

She was born and raised in California by her mother, who is a wonderful person. I have met her. She makes AMAZING burritos. Amazing. The woman has talent. And now I'm drooling just thinking back to that glorious day. So! Back to Meag. Maybe one day, Meag will make those burritos. Like, one day while she's here for the wedding. I'm having a hard time staying on topic.
Meag works for the State of California. Meag and I met many years ago, online actually. We are both fans of General Hospital (yes, I watch soaps) and by some stroke of luck, happened to be members of the same message board for General Hospital fans (yes, I'm THAT big of a fan). Anyway, we happened to like/dislike pretty much the same things about the show, finding ourselves posting in the same threads. Well, there was just so much to like about each other, we took the friendship beyond the message board to e-mails, which lead to phone calls, which lead to visits to our respective cities, attendance at each others weddings, etc.

She is probably the kindest person I know. She devotes much of her time helping out with feral, abandoned, rescued cats. She LOVES cats. She has three of her own and they are her children. Oh, and she has a husband, Kevin. He's ok, I guess. Just kidding - he's a wonderful man who works hard and loves her and makes her happy.

So here is my interview with person.
#1 Have you ever eaten a crayon?
No but I'm pretty sure I snacked on paste at one time or another.
#2 What do you think of toe socks?
I don't really give them much thought.
#3 Do you match your shoes/belt/etc with your clothes? (i.e., black with black, or brown with brown)
#4 Have you ever run into a screen door or glass door?
No but I laugh when other people do.
No but I laugh when other people do.
#5 What is your worst injury you have ever had?
When I hurt my back at work and couldn't walk for over a week.
When I hurt my back at work and couldn't walk for over a week.
#6 What type of person were you in high school?
Pretty quiet actually. Shock, I know!
Pretty quiet actually. Shock, I know!
#7 What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
You'd have to ask Kevin, I'm not aware of a secret weapon that I posses.
You'd have to ask Kevin, I'm not aware of a secret weapon that I posses.
#8 What do you think of when I say the word "persnickety"?
Some of the hags that work in my office.
Some of the hags that work in my office.
#9 What would you like to know about the future?
Nothing, what fun would that be?
Nothing, what fun would that be?
#10 Have you ever cried (or used some other womanly form of blackmail) to get out of a ticket?
#11 Have you ever stood someone up?
Yes *hangs head in shame*
Yes *hangs head in shame*
#12 Have you ever illegally parked in a handicapped spot? And if yes, how do you think that made the handicapped person you just robbed of a spot feel?
#13 Where is the wierdest place you have a mole?
On my stomach off to the side.
On my stomach off to the side.
#14 Do you have any wierd daily routines/habits?
It's weird that my daily routine needs to stay the same or my day is thrown off.
It's weird that my daily routine needs to stay the same or my day is thrown off.
#15 Do you use the "hover" technique in public restrooms?
#16 Do you parallel park or drive around the block for an easier spot?
drive around the block
drive around the block
#17 How often do you clean out your ears?
#18 Do you scruntch or fold your toilet paper?
#19 Have you ever lied to your mother? (shame on you)
#20 Do you laugh at yourself when you trip and totally fall on your ass?
Oh yeah, I'm equal opportunity when it comes to laughing when myself or others fall cause, come on! It's funny!
Oh yeah, I'm equal opportunity when it comes to laughing when myself or others fall cause, come on! It's funny!
And that is my friend, Meag, in a nutshell. She will be here for the wedding. You can ask for autographs at that time.