Sunday, March 21, 2010

Book Review: The Host

I have gotten away from doing these, and I think it's time to revive the habit. I LOVE reading. I feel lost when I don't have a good book in my life. I just finished up with a book called "The Host" (I understand you are supposed to underline book titles, but Blogger doesn't let me and it drives me nuts - just thought I would point that out.).
This book was referred to me by my best friend, Meag. She actually loaned it to me back in November when I went to visit her, and for some reason, I just now got around to it. The author is Stephenie Meyer......if that name doesn't ring a bell to any of you, she wrote the Twilight saga. This book is not a vampire book. However, it is science fiction, which I noticed right off the bat.....which is not my preferred genre. Meag told me to stick with the book because it was really good. So I struggled through the first 5 or 6 chapters, wondering how I was going to finish 619 pages of it. And somewhere around the 6th chapter, I was hooked. And I finished the book 3 days later. It was that good. Yes, it does involve aliens, of sorts. And a love story. And conflict. I highly recommend this book. I also did a little bit of research and Meyer plans to write two sequels to this book and it's also been picked up to be turned into a movie, which I'm extremely excited about. If you want to dive into a fantastic book that is maybe a little out of your normal genre, I definitely recommend this book.

1 comment:

Itskellerific said...

This is the first Stephenie Meyer book I tried to read. I hated it and couldn't finish it. Maybe I will try again. It's buried under a stack of books somewhere around here...