Saturday, January 12, 2013

Let's do an update, shall we?

One of my goals this year is to get back to regular blogging. As in, more than just photography shoots and vacations. I'm backing off on the wedding photography this year (even though that brings in the biggest chunk of photography income) to focus more on newborn photography.......and trips with my family. We didn't camp one time last year - that will definitely be changing this year. We already have trips to Disneyland (for Carter) and San Francisco (for Eric and me, to visit my best friend and take in more baseball) planned for this year. In between those trips, we plan to get back to camping. It's something I really enjoy and I have really missed it.

Anyway, back to blogging.

Speaking of photography, I am in the middle of developing a new website with the help of one of my friends. She understands all that HTML talk that I would just like to ignore. Hopefully within a month, the new site will be up and running and I can share it with you then!

Life has been hectic lately. Does it ever slow down? Do you ever feel "caught up"? Is there such a thing?

We finally took Kendall in to the doctor and since she has been on ammox for her tiny ear infection, she has transformed back to my happy baby. It's sooooo nice to have her back! I can't believe she's going to be TWO in just a few months. :/  We also moved the crib down to a toddler bed for her. 

For the most part, it has gone really well. Today, at nap time, I kept hearing her toy guitar so I went in and kidnapped her. I wanted a nap anyway, so we snuggled in my bed. At first, every time I would open my eyes, this happened:

 Eventually, this happened:

And we both slept for a couple hours......until the 4-wheelers went speeding down the road with people sledding.

Speaking of sledding, we took the kids out today. We didn't want to drive far, so we ended up at Eagle Elementary School, which has a nice hill around the back side of the building. It was a lot of fun, though Kendall got cold and miserable. Need to find that girl some thicker gloves!

 (Yes, he still has the beard going.....though now he has trimmed it and "shaped" it. Don't ask.)

What else is new?

I go in on Tuesday for my braces consult. 2013 and 2014 will be spent in braces. I'm pretty anxious for the first portion of the treatment, where I have to have four teeth extracted (to make room), but overall, I am extremely excited to have a straight smile soon!

Work is B.U.S.Y.  This last week was INSANE getting caught up on the case and prepping for trial. However, the hard work has paid off as I received a nice raise this week. This firm is just fantastic and I'm so, SO glad I made the decision to move there last year. What a great move!

And it seems like the kids have come to some sort of understanding that testing mommy's patience, at least in a group effort, isn't amusing. So my sanity has returned. For a while, it felt like this:

See you at the next posting!

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