Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring, is that you? If so, will you please stick around?

I have to admit, I'm tired of this wishy-washy weather.  Seriously - where is real spring weather?  It was 20-something degrees this morning.  Not cool.  At the end of last week, and part of the weekend, it was GORGEOUS outside.  We spent quite a bit of time playing baseball and reminding the swingset that we do still live here.  I sure wish the 60 and 70 degree weather would stick around!

 (yes, that's a phone book as home plate.....we got a big bag of whiffle balls on sale at Target and just ran out of money by the time we saw the box that had all the bases and home plate.  So for the time being, this is our home plate. Don't judge - it doesn't mess with his mechanics)
 I think the swingset sorely missed the child.  Last fall, Carter couldn't even reach the bar in the middle (that hangs down between the swings).  He can now reach. By himself.  Meaning he doesn't have to be lifted up.  *tear*  However, he still wants us to push him on the swings, so not ALL is lost.
 And yes, all of these outdoor activities were done in flip flops.....I'm hoping it will further encourage spring to stick around!

1 comment:

CreativeMish said...

I'm ready for Spring, too! this weekend it's supposed to be low 60's. I can handle that!