Sunday, April 17, 2011


Well, since my last post about spring being here, we had some crazy weather....which I think included some snow.  However, in the last week or so, it has really begun to feel like spring.  And this is evidenced by the blooms around my house.  One of the trees in our front yard has exploded with pink.  I think every house in our subdivision has at least one of these trees.....meaning our neighborhood is a sickening shade of pink right now.  (Remember, I'm not a huge fan of pink.  Especially overkill pink.  And our neighborhood falls under the "overkill" status right now.)  However, if I only look at my yard, it's not so bad.  Here are some signs of spring around the front and back yards.

1 comment:

CreativeMish said...

Pretty! I've never seen white bleeding hearts! My tulips just started blooming a couple of days ago