As we all know, Thursday was the big day. We dropped Carter off at daycare on our way to the hospital. Surgery was scheduled for noon, so we had to report in between 10:00 and 10:30. Once we arrived, we went straight to triage so they could get my hooked up to a bunch of monitors to make sure everything was ok with me and the baby. This is also when we finally decided on a name......thanks to some key advertising, lol! Kendall was the name we had picked out not too long ago, but Eric kept going back and forth on whether or not he was 100% committed to it. Well, the pee cup they gave me was manufactured by a company called "Kendall", so I took the cup out to Eric and told him that it was a clear sign. So from then on, it was Kendall. ;)

They also established my IV, which always hurts like crazy. I hate those things. We spent a while monitoring my heart and the baby's heart. The nurse anesthetist came in and we discussed the game plan with the spinal. Eric wouldn't be allowed in for the administration of the spinal, so I had to mentally prepare to go that part alone. I wasn't pleased.
Once they did the spinal (ouch) and got me all situated on the table, they brought Eric back in and they got to work. There were some interesting discussions over the music that would be played - they started out with Toni Braxton, but my doc quickly put the kabosh on that. We ended up with some Aerosmith and other various artists that I was happy with. There was a lot of banter between the surgical staff, so that kept us entertained for most of the surgery. Before we knew it, the doc was telling Eric that they were about to pull the baby out, so be camera ready!
**warning: the below pic is a little bloody and if you just ate lunch, might want to come back later**
Once they had the cord clipped, they passed the baby on to NICU (standard procedure with c-sections) just to make sure all the vitals were looking good. Of course, they were.
And I was shocked then they put her down on the scale..... only 6 lbs 4 oz?? That can't be right! I could have sworn she weighed more than that, just based on how she felt inside me, especially when she would move around. But 6 lbs 4 oz was all that baby girl weighed, and she was 18.5 inches long. Quite a petite little thing!
So we got a quick snap for a family picture (something we missed with Carter due to forgetting the camera in the rush to the OR), and then Eric took Kendall off to recovery while the doctors finished up with me.
Once in recovery, I was reunited with Eric and Kendall. We got to spend quite a bit of time together, due to some better planning on our part.
Then Eric went to pick up Carter from daycare so he could meet his baby sister. He was so sweet and excited! He wanted to pull off her blankets immediately - he needed to see all of her. And he kissed her non-stop. I was so proud of him!
After a while, our families started showing up to see our new addition.
It was a great experience and thanks to everyone for stopping by to see us!
I will have another post coming soon, with more pictures from the following days at the hospital.