Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Series Review: Big Love {Season 1}

I will be completely honest with you, no one is more shocked than I am that we are watching this show.  I had zero desire to watch it and would cringe anytime someone we knew would even talk about it.  The subject (mormon polygamy) completely outrages me, that's no secret.  Sure, I have read books about the topic (as I have summarized on here), done research, and participated in countless debates.....but to actually sit down and commit to an entire show?  No.  Wasn't going to happen. 

And then all the girls at work started talking about it and I admit, I was intrigued.  A little bit.  Though I still fought the urge.  I finally gave in and added the first series to our Netflix queue.  And let me tell you, I'm pleasantly surprised.  The show is good.  Like, GOOD.  We finished the first season last night and I'm quite excited to continue on with subsequent seasons.....though I am bummed that the show is currently on its last season (#5).  Eric and I often have to pause the show so we can have little mini-discussions and/or debates about what's going on with the show (since he was raised in the mormon religion).  We had an especially long discussion after the very first episode, when HBO had some little facts about polygamy displayed in the specifically stating that in America there are approximately 40,000-50,000 people currently engaged in polygamy.  Eric was floored by this statistic.  I found it to be much lower than what I would guess is an accurate number.  Nonetheless, I told Eric he was pretty naive to think this particular way of life was abandoned back in 1900-ish when it was "outlawed".  I reminded him of the FLDS sects/compounds that are raided regularly. 

Regardless of my feelings about this highly-debated topic, the show is good and we will definitely continue on with the remainder of the series.  Check back for more updates as we progress through each season!

1 comment:

CreativeMish said...

It is my guilty pleasure too...
It surprises me that so many people believe they are Mormons.. They are Fundamentalist. The Mormons (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) originally started practicing it because so many of the Pioneer Women that trekked across the the United States on their way to Utah lost their husbands and were left alone with children and no Father to support them. The Church authorized Polygamy so that these women and children had someone to help take care of them. It was a very small percentage that did that. It was practiced for about 35 years until it became against the law at which time it was abolished. Some of the families Broke off from the original LDS church and became Fundamentalist - They were outraged that the church no longer allowed Polygamists. There are quite a few groups that broke off the original LDS church because they wanted different rules.. Etc.. Kind of like Methodists, Lutheran, Episcopalian, etc all broke off from the Catholic Church. Eric probably knows this but his Great Great Grandfather was a Polygamist. He had two wives. Each had over 10 children. (not all his biological children) We came from first wife. LOL! Anyway... this may be a little more history than you wanted...

The show cracks me up because they mix quite a bit of truth and fiction.. Do you watch Sister Wives? The new season just started Sunday. I think they are Fundamentalist, too