Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pregnancy Tracker - 33 weeks

Well here we are - 33 weeks into this.  It's no secret, these last few weeks have been HARD for me.  The difference between this pregnancy and when I was pregnant with Carter?  REST.  Or a lack thereof.  Being pregnant with a 3 1/2 year old is night-and-day different than just being pregnant with your first child.  With your first child, you get to relax any time you want.  Example - the minute I would get home from work when I was pregnant with Carter, I would be in my jammies, hair up, and either lying down on the couch, channel surfing, or I would be in bed, going to sleep for the night.  The house didn't fall over if I didn't make dinner.  I could wake up on the weekends and lounge....ALL.DAY.LONG. 


Not so much.  The minute I get home from work, sure, the jammies still go on and my hair goes up, but that's when the paralegal duties stop and the mommy/wife duties start.  Dinner.  Bath.  Playing.  Teaching.  Brushing teeth.  Cleaning up.  Putting kid to bed.  And sometime around 9:00, I finally get to relax for the first time!  Oy!  It's a whole different ballgame this time around.....let me tell ya.  And while I still do enjoy being pregnant, it's hard this time.  These past few weeks, I've been in constant pain.  As in, the minute I wake up, it begins.  It doesn't stop until I fall asleep.  Back pain.  Rib pain (since she's breech, I'm pretty sure it's her shoulders, and THAT feels oh so good digging into my ribs).  Every.waking.moment.  Tylenol does nothing.  Tylenol has always been a joke to me.  Unless it's Tylenol #3....which I'm certainly not allowed to take!  My walking has slowed down.  Yes - I believe the waddle has set in.  I hate dressing up for work now.  I can't wait for warmer weather....even just a I can wear capris, a loose shirt and flip flops to work.  It's already approved.  I just need spring to show up and stick around so this can happen.

Things around the house are slowly coming together as well.  The crib is put together.

And I bought this super cute bouncer on Craigslist for a whole $15.  It's soooo cute and it was way too good of a deal to pass up.

The dresser in Carter's room was bought to match the crib (when he was a baby), so we'll be moving that dresser into the baby's room.  I have a bedframe and matching dresser on order for Carter.  So his room will also be receiving an upgrade.  I also dug out all of Carter's baby toys that I kept.  I need to stock up on batteries - that's for sure!  So we've been buying (and selling) as the paychecks allow.  I think the plan is to stop for a bit to see what the baby gets at the baby shower.  Then we will take another inventory at that time to see where we stand.  It is a huge relief to have most of the big items already saved from when Carter was a baby.

Here is what says about the pregnancy at 33 weeks:

This week your baby weighs a little over 4 pounds (heft a pineapple) and has passed the 17-inch mark. She's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and her skeleton is hardening. The bones in her skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for her to fit through the birth canal. (The pressure on the head during birth is so intense that many babies are born with a conehead-like appearance.) These bones don't entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as her brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood.

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