Monday, March 7, 2011

Project 2011: Through His Eyes Part 9

I have very few pictures this week, due to the fact that the camera was "lost" for quite a few days.  It was actually in Carter's room, but as you can see from the pictures below, his room is a disaster zone.  He spent many hours cleaning his mess - mostly because he would get distracted and play/read instead of clean. I understand the distractions - it happens to the best of us.  But nevertheless, it's why he spent over 2 hours one night doing nothing but cleaning.

Here are last week's pictures:

Yes, I'm the mean mom who snaps a picture with his own camera while he's cleaning his room.

We also stopped by Babies r Us and I let Carter pick out everything we bought.  It's his sister - he has a say.  ;)

And he's huge on chapstick right now, so I bought him a small pack of his own, which stays in my purse.  You never know where that chapstick will end up (pockets of pants in the washer/dryer, anyone?).

And the last one he took was of his fish "tank".

1 comment:

CreativeMish said...

I think his Dad's room looked like that a time or two.. LOL!