Friday, November 5, 2010

Series Review: In Plain Sight

I'm not a big TV watcher.  I get bored easily and I frankly have better things to do with my time (unless it's baseball).  However, I DO have my main shows that I watch religiously.  And there are just a few of them.  Earlier this year, several people in my family told me about this show called "In Plain Sight" that I just HAD to see.  Apparently, according to my family, the main character, Mary, is me.  Down to the letter - including attitude, humor, sarcastic (yet witty) comments, etc.  So I finally caved and put the first couple seasons on our Netflix queue (what kind of word is that, anyway).  Let me tell you, I was FLOORED.  As my dad said, this character couldn't be played better by anyone but me.  It's eerie how similar we are.  And the actress who plays Mary, Mary McCormack (who also co-produces many of the episodes), is amazing.  Every little thing about this character is just spot-on with me - like I said, attitude, tom-boy style, no tolerance for bullshit, sarcastic comments that aren't supposed to be heard (or are they?), and her guard up 100% of the time.  I can watch this show and speak the lines 1.5 seconds before they come out of the character's mouth - no joke.  Ask Eric, I'm sure he's sick of it!  Granted, this character doesn't sound like the most appealing, peachy gal out there, but it really is kinda cool to sit there and watch the show and basically be watching yourself and how you would be in the given situations.  Granted, it takes place in Albuquerque, NM and she's a federal marshall for the wit sec program (how cool would that be) and I'm neither in NM, nor remotely close to a federal agent......but it's a fantastic show.  I love it and we're now about half way through the third season.  I definitely recommend this show!


♥Jacqueline said...

Wow! She even looks like you (minus the baby bump of course ;) ) Might have to look into it :)

CreativeMish said...

Is this an HBO show? I've never heard of it :)

Jenn said...

Nope, it's on USA