Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Fair - Day One

Well, day one for us anyway.  We will be going again later in the week to do lots more rides.  Today's focus was on a few of the interactive exhibits and the animals.

The first stop we made was the big dinosaur exhibit - Carter was begging to see the dinosaurs, and since they are his favorite, we happily obliged.

The dinosaurs were moving around courtesy of animatronics (or however that's spelled - I'm too tired to look it up).  We figured Carter would go nuts and tell us all about the dinosaurs - but once we got inside, it was a complete change of attitude for him.  He was actually scared of the big ones.

Like this fella - my personal favorite. ;-)
As you can see from Carter's face (though it's a horribly blurry picture), he's speechless.  And I don't think he looks too thrilled to see the t-rex either.

So we moved onto the next part of the exhibit, which was digging for "fossils".  He had a fun time with this and we were quickly done with that exhibit.

Next up was one of the animal houses.

Carter absolutely loved the bunnies - and there were so many!  He stuck his fingers into every cage, and fortunately came out with all ten intact.  There were also chickens and other birds in the houses - one chicken actually got loose and was running a chicken WITH its head.  Hardy har har.  But really, it was running around like crazy and I don't think it got caught while we were there.

Next up was another animal houses - with pigs, goats, sheep, cows, etc.
Some of the pigs were super friendly - until I started talkin' bacon and honey baked ham.  Then they realized we weren't meant to be friends.  ;-)
Carter really liked the goats too (honestly, he loves every animal).

After the animal houses, we decided to hit up a couple rides.  I didn't bring a ton of cash with me because I knew we were going later int he week to focus on just the rides.  So we stuck to the smaller rides.  He got to ride the spinning dragons (with Eric of course, I can't handle spinning rides, that spin while the entire ride spins.  Barf).

And we happened upon a ride that had all of the character from Finding Nemo.......the shark was full, so he decided to ride in Nemo instead.  This was definitely one of his favorites.
After a few more rides, we decided to hit up the petting tent.  At this point, all of the hay was driving my allergies into OVERdrive.  My eyes were itchy and swelling up, snot was running all over the place. I was a true thing of beauty, let me tell ya.  So I figured we would just hurry through this section and go home. 

I was wrong.
Why?  Because Eric found a hidden pile of "feed" for the animals (I'm not paying to feed them), so we walked around and let Carter feed several of the animals - "their tongues tickle my hand!!"  So cute!

I was finally able to talk the boys into leaving the hay-infested areas, and we headed to one last exhibit before calling it a night.  The Australian animals!  The kangaroos were awesome - hopping all over the place!!
By the end of this exhibit, Carter was cranky, I could hardly see through the slits that were my eyes.  I got home and ran straight for the prescription allergy meds in my bathroom.  I managed to peel my contacts out of my eyes and blindly type through this blog post.  And now I'm off to bed.  We'll visit the fair again this week, after work sometime, so we'll have more pictures to come!

Hope you all had a great weekend!

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