Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Day at the Beach

So today was supposed to be spent with a big group of friends for a picnic, in lieu of the ridiculously expensive 10 year high school reunion next weekend (which we couldn't attend anyway since one of our friends is getting married the same day).  (was that a long sentence or what?)  But at the last minute, the picnic was cancelled, or so they say.  So we decided to take Carter up to Sandy Point.  This is where we are having his 3rd birthday party, so we wanted to scope it out to make sure it's everything we are looking for.  So we spent a few hours there today and had a fantastic time!

This alligator was given to Carter a while ago - this is the first time we have actually been able to use it since it's so big.  We had kids running up to us the second we set our towels and chairs down, asking if they could ride it.  I politely explained that it was Carter's toy and he hadn't even used it yet.  Which kept the kids at bay for all of 3 minutes.  Then they were surrounding us again.  Sheesh!
It really was a gorgeous day at the beach....not too many people, but enough to provide for some entertaining people watching.....oh please, you do it too.

The water was pretty chilly, so when Carter had enough of the shivering and teeth clattering, he joined me on the towels to soak in the sun. 

And then proceeded to steal MY towel!   The stinker!  So I did what any mom would do - I found something to distract him so that I could get my own towel back. 

This treat worked nicely!

Some of the water toys had Carter intrigued.  This one below was constantly being run by other kids, so Carter never had a chance to turn the wheel and control the water spraying out.  But as we were packing up to leave, we noticed that no kids were around, so we told Carter to run back in the water and give the wheel a good crank.  He loved it!
It was a fun afternoon and I think we'll do just fine with this location for his birthday party.

1 comment:

♥Jacqueline said...

It looks like you guys had a fun time! I bet he can't wait til his party too :)