Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Cabin in the Woods....Part Two

Carter and my mom relaxing on the deck.

Carter playing with Brittany. Brittany is such a good sport about the whole thing, too. She just lays there and lets Carter crawl all over her....pulling her ears and tail, etc. It's pretty funny. But I'm glad she's a good enough dog to just lie there and take the abuse!

Carter getting his Little Swimmers on!!
This is the view of the swimming hole from higher up on the mountain. Yes, I hiked up there. No, it's not as high as it looks, lol. We have been coming to this spot for years and years. You can see Jesse dog splashing around in the little eddy. We sometimes tie off an inner-tube in that eddy so someone can just float around, cold (alcoholic) beverage in hand, without floating down the river.
This is the view across from the swimming hole. We affectionately call this our "TV" because it has many channels. Bear with me, as I'm sure you are laughing at my family. But we have experienced many channels over the years.....we have the family channel, the wholesome families that camp on this beach, the nature channel which displays the fishermen and their trials and tribulations of never catching any fish in this river, the adult channel, which displays (mostly) girls who sneak into the river with no clothes on, the foreign channel, with people who do not display English as their primary language (to which we provide our own translations), and many, many more channels throughout any given day.