Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Eric's mom tagged me and I'm suppose to tag you.
But first ....the rules. The rules of the game are:
1. Link back to the person that tagged you.
2. Post these rules on your blog.
3. Share six unimportant things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your entry.
#1 - For several weeks now, I have been completely unmotivated at work. I love my job, but other things have taken over my mind and I just can't seem to focus.
#2 - I have a picture of Carter as my computer wallpaper and I can't count how many times per day I look at it and smile.
#3 - I have an ear ache right now.
#4 - Eric's friend wants us to go camping with them this weekend and I don't want to go. I can't stand the guy's girlfriend and frankly, I don't care to spend my long weekend with them. I will think of any excuse to get out of it.
#5 - I'm stressing about money - as usual, plane tickets, rings, passports. Ah!
#6 - I started tanning again last night.
If you read my blog, you are tagged.

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