Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Random Fact #23

I am obsessed with chips and salsa!

It's my favorite snack. If I go to a restaurant and find some good salsa, I will buy some and bring it home to enjoy. If I have chips and salsa available at my house, I eat it every day. There is nothing better than sitting down to watch a baseball game with some chips and salsa and an ice-cold Mountain Dew. Ok, so it's not the healthiest snack in the world............but that's ok. ;)

My mother and grandmother make home-made salsa every year and it's soooo delicious! A little sweet, and definitely has a kick to it.

And did you know that the official snack of Texas is chips and salsa? That's my kind of state!!


CreativeMish said...

MMM I love chips and salsa!! Especially fresh homemade salsa!

Sandee said...

Chips and salsa is my favorite, too. Especially Juanita's chips and Chachies Salsa (closest to homemade I've found). Both you can get at WinCo. Yummy! Now I'm gonna have to go buy some. I'm salivating.......drool, drool :)