Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Fishing - Part 1

Eric and I took Carter and headed out to Lake Lowell Saturday morning. We drove all around the lake, trying to find a spot that had a sandy beach, that wasn't too crowded with people. We finally found a spot. I laid out a blanket for Carter and me, got all his toys set up, started eating some lunch, and it started raining!! Go figure! So we quickly packed everything up and made it back to the truck as quickly as we could. Carter and I were soaked by the time we made it. We drove back to where the dam is and Eric was able to do some fishing there. He didn't catch anything - there were lots of people. But no rain! We somehow managed to avoid that one rain cloud the second time around.

Brittany enjoying the water.
Right before it started raining.
Rain! Didn't even think to bring him a hoodie.
All tuckered out.

1 comment:

CreativeMish said...

It doesn't look like the rain bothered him much!