Carter helping.
I can do this!
Some random cave across the river, in the side of the mountain. We saw several caves.
As if that wasn't enough fun, Eric got a flat tire. I could see it coming because he really wasn't avoiding any rocks in the road. So when I heard the tire pop, I wasn't entirely surprised and politely informed Eric 'you have a flat tire'. So Carter and I played in the truck while Eric got the spare and replaced the flat. We finally got to stop and have our little picnic. The weather was perfect. Not too hot, a nice breeze.
Then we decided to head home - and took the short way. ;)
Anyway, I'm not sure what the recommended age is to stop using this sleep positioner, but I just took it out of the crib last week. I think the cut-off age for a risk of SIDS is 7 months, so I finally felt safe in leaving Carter asleep in his crib overnight without his sleep positioner. He's all over that crib!!! I find him asleep in his stomach, his side, his back......even sideways!! He's in napping right now and I had to snap a couple pictures of him because it cracked me up.
I really do recommend this sleep positioner, or one like it, to all moms out there because it really did give me peace of mind knowing that Carter wasn't going to end up with his face in the mattress and no way to roll himself over.
I am one of those people that loves school. I love learning - especially about a subject that fascinates me. I am a good test taker. I can write papers in one night. That would really piss people off. They would spend weeks and weeks on their papers, and I could sit down in one night and write the whole thing. Writing comes very naturally to me. I took a creative writing class in school and loved it. I love reading. I take excellent notes - and people constantly want to borrow/refer to them. Even to this day! I am very organized - I even have a filing cabinet at home.