Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Steck Park Adventure

The kids got quite an adventure at Steck Park yesterday. It was a day trip solely for fishing, but included things such as running over 5 foot long snakes in the road, 5 trains that went right by our fishing hole so loud our teeth were rattling, an impromptu ice cream stop on the way home, and seeing a car on fire along side the freeway with people running from it. Seriously - what a day!
Kendall chills by the river with a beer.  ;)
Within the first 10 minutes, there were two fish caught.  The following 5 hours, not one bite.
Nice job, bud!
Kendall was NOT impressed with the trains. Every time we saw one coming, she would run and jump into my lap. Granted, we were very close to the tracks and those train whistles are LOUD.
Carter and his catfish.
Kendall wouldn't come near the catfish, and I can't blame her. They aren't exactly the cutest fish in the water.  Carter snagged this tiny little guy right before we left for the day and Kendall was happy to touch that one. She even called it "cute".

1 comment:

CreativeMish said...

Catfish remind me of sea monsters.