Monday, February 10, 2014

A Quiet Weekend {recap}

This weekend was very quiet, which is just what I needed after the crazy that was last weekend. The kids and I were really quite lazy......doing some light cleaning, building forts, watching movies, having snacks, etc.
Friday night, Carter decided to pull out another tooth. This kid is going for a record! Both of my kids got their teeth really early, so I shouldn't be surprised that Carter is losing them so quickly. This is eight gone now, and he's only 6 1/2!
I decided last week that Kendall and I were going to hit the potty training hard. I'm sick of buying diapers. Every evening when I would get home from work, I would take the diaper off and put the Minnie underwear on. By the time I dropped the kids off to Eric yesterday, she had gone potty by herself 8 times, and only used one diaper, which was at nap time. I think we finally got it! I'm proud of her!
I was more than happy to have a quiet weekend. The next two are going to be packed with fun, so lazy was just what we needed! Plus, with the weather we have been having, I had zero desire to leave the house.
(Yes, my Christmas lights are still up.......the icy conditions aren't exactly making it easy to climb up a ladder to get them down.)

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