Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pregnancy Tracker - 26 weeks

Well here we are at 26 weeks.  The competition for space in my body is one that I'm quickly losing. I can tell the baby is growing because at times, I feel like my belly is quite stretched when she's in a specific position.  It's very uncomfortable.  The kicks are getting stronger.  And Carter told me last night that he can see the baby's feet through my belly button.  Ha!  What an imagination!

We have officially knocked one name off of the baby name list.  So we are down to two names.  And no, we still are not sharing.  Formal introductions will come at visiting time in the hospital.

Here's what says about the pregnancy at 26 weeks:

The network of nerves in your baby's ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. She may now be able to hear both your voice and your partner's as you chat with each other. She's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of her lungs. These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when she's born and takes that first gulp of air. And she's continuing to put on baby fat. She now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches (an English hothouse cucumber) from head to heel.

If your lower back seems a little achy lately, you can thank both your growing uterus — which shifts your center of gravity, stretches out and weakens your abdominal muscles, and may be pressing on a nerve — as well as hormonal changes that loosen your joints and ligaments. Plus, the extra weight you're carrying means more work for your muscles and increased stress on your joints, which is why you may feel worse at the end of the day. Walking, standing, or sitting for long periods, as well as bending and lifting can all put a strain on your back. A warm bath or hot compress might bring relief. (Some women, though, find cool compresses more comforting.) Try to maintain good posture during the day, avoid activities that require bending and twisting at the same time, take frequent breaks when sitting or standing, and sleep on your side with one or both knees bent with a pillow between your legs, using another pillow (or wedge) to support your abdomen.

There is also talk on about birthing classes and creating a birthing plan.  We aren't taking a refresher course for the birth, simply because we are opting for a c-section, and I know all there is to know about that.  I go in for my next check-up in about a week and a half, so at that point, we will pick the date and get everything officially on the calendar.

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