Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

We decided to go all out with Carter this year for Easter. He was quite excited to decorate his eggs....with all the colors and stickers, he was in hog heaven! My little artist had such a fun time. Since it was pretty chilly yesterday, we decided to decorate the eggs inside....which required covering the kitchen table with lots of newspaper so the dye didn't.....well, dye my table.
We got all of our colors ready.....we got lots!

For the first couple of eggs, we showed him the proper way to "dunk" them.

And then he got to do his own....he preferred to just drop them in.

Admiring his work.

And really, I wouldn't be a true fan if I didn't have THIS egg:
And then first thing this morning, we hid all the eggs for Carter to find. He had so much fun....he would scream the second he saw an egg and then take off in a dead run to go get it.

He had quite a full basket by the time he was done!!

And of course, had to sample the candy-filled eggs.

Happy Easter!!


Perfectly Unperfect said...

Happy Easter to you all. Carter looks like he had a blast. Cherish these moments, they go by way too fast.

CreativeMish said...

Looks like allot of fun!! Love the bright colored eggs