Sunday, April 25, 2010

Weekend Recap

This weekend was a very busy weekend for us. I dropped Carter off with my parents Friday evening. I had a wedding to shoot bright and early up in Idaho City Saturday morning and Eric was still in Oregon working. Sounds like Carter had fun with Papa and Grandma, and I got a free night to myself.....which doesn't happen very often.

The wedding was a fantastic success. It was a small, intimate ceremony (which was also a full-blown Catholic ceremony) in a little white church in the mountains of Idaho City. Couldn't really ask for a better setting than the great Idaho outdoors!

The drive there and back were just amazing. It was a little cool outside, but I opened up the moonroof and blared some good music. It was the most peaceful couples of hours I have had in a long time. A lot of things were put into perspective that drive, and I feel more confident about where I'm at in life and the recent decisions I have made. I will have more wedding pictures later this week when I finish the editing process.

Saturday evening, Eric made it home from Oregon. It's been four months since his accident.....which is still just surreal to me that he survived. I remain grateful that he is in my life and that my son has his daddy. So after two quick pictures, the camera was put away and we spent quality time together.....just the three of us. We played, we laughed until our stomachs hurt, we conquered potty-training, we watched parts of a couple of movies, we took a nap together, we were a family. With Eric being gone so much for work for the foreseeable future, our time together will be a matter of quality over quantity.

We also managed to run a lot of errands. When you only have a day and a half together, you cram in as much as you possibly can. We made our last payment on our patio furniture, so we went to pick up our new stuff.....and the assembly began. What a process!! There was more bubble wrap and shrink wrap (I was actually wrapped in shrink wrap - head to a prank by an ex and his brother - the stuff is NOT easy to handle!) than necessary, so most of our time was spent cutting our furniture out of the wrap. But eventually, we managed to get it all assembled and set up on the patio. This isn't where it will stay as we still need to get rid of the picnic table. But for now, the set looks just fine where it is. And that was our weekend. Eric will head back to Oregon and I'll have another week of single parenting with my little guy. Hope you all had a great weekend too!!


Brandy said...

I love those quite "me" moments when your mind can breathe just enough to put the important things in perspective. =)

Perfectly Unperfect said...

The patio set looks awesome! Congrats. Remember to savor those moments you have as a family....they are priceless.