Welcome to our honeymoon. 5 day cruise in the Caribbean....stopping in Grand Cayman and Cozumel, Mexico. Later, Grand Cayman was cancelled to avoid the hurrican. So we stopped in Progreso, Mexico instead on Wednesday, and Cozumel, Mexico on Thursday.

Standing on the top deck.
Our room.

Smiling now.....before we hit rough waters!
Eric enjoying a cold drink and a dip in the pool.
Enjoying my toes. Surprised the paint lasted that long!
Our first towel animal!
After the first fancy dinner night.

Eric at the water park on the ship.

Look how sweaty he is! He did not adjust to the humidity well. Me? I LOVE it - I could live in it.
The open waters......before we hit hurricane waters.
Our towel elephant!

Getting ready for one of the fancy dinners.
Eric in Progreso, Mexico.
Eric at the entrance to Chichen Itza....sitting next to a plant that is one of the ingredients in Tequila!
Chichen Itza!!! Amazing.

I spotted this fella waaaaay on top of a rock wall. I am seriously zoomed to the max on the new, fancy camera. I was complimented by several people for my "eye" and catching this lizard friend.

This is a little Mayan lady - a true decendent. I felt bad taking a picture of her, but I had to. I couldn't help myself. And it was quick - she never knew it happened. But the Mayan people were very small in build - this lady was 78 years old and very small. The movies make these cultures out to be big, tall warrior-like people. They are very far from it.
The underground river. Since the Yucatan Peninsula's highest elevation is only 200 feet, they don't have rivers like "we" do. Everything is underground, and then the earth caves in and exposes the rivers that are running underneath the surface. Very awesome - and YES, they are seriously that green. Everything there is that green. They don't lack for rain, that's for sure.

WOW - this place is just amazing. Words don't do it justice.....standing at the base of these structures....they just tower over you and it's amazing how way back then, they knew how to construct these wonders.
Us and the ship (ours is on the right).
Our towel bull.
Eric in Cozumel. We supported their local economy. It is cheaper than ours, afterall.
Beer, margarita and a Cuban. Yup.
Senor Frog's. The guy wanted $27 for this same picture on HIS camera. Uh, no thanks.

Let's do it!
Getting ready to go snorkeling.
Enjoying some quiet time in the hammock.
I swear, we can't go anywhere without Eric going off on some little safari to find an animal. Here is a hermit crab he found.
We had to do it. I wanted to find a stick, but Eric used his toes. Whatever!
The beach house we decided to purchase. Yeah right!!! But whoever it is that owns this house.....NICE!!
Awwww....they knew we were honeymooners. There were tons of us on the ship!
Last night - last fancy dinner.
Last night!!! Almost time to head back home and see our little guy. *sniffle*