Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Tour Around Lake Tahoe

One of the days we were in Tahoe, we all decided to take a drive around the entire lake.  There were plenty of cool stops along the way - definitely a gorgeous drive, with some massive houses (ok, a LOT of massive houses).  Here are some pics from our day.

One of our first stops was in Emerald Bay - which has the Vikingsholm Castle I posted a while ago.  We didn't hike down to the castle, so we got to see the entire bay from up top instead.

We also hiked up to see one of the waterfalls, but there was very little water running, so there wasn't much to see.

This was another little bay we stopped in - it's actually the only river that leaves Lake Tahoe, one of the many reasons the lake water is so pure.....nothing coming in (other than rain water), and only one river going out.

We stopped quite a while here since there was a dam, sort of, to look at, with lots of fish, and Carter wanted to spend some time throwing rocks (shocker) into the water.  It was such a nice day outside!

We also stopped at Donner Pass, though I stayed in the car with Carter since he had fallen asleep at that point.

We came to another rest-stop area, which provided for some really neat pictures.  The water was so blue!!!

And that's all I have from our vacation to Lake Tahoe.  It was such a fun time - though there were definitely times we were wishing we had left Carter at home with my parents.  But overall, I think we had a great time!

1 comment:

♥Jacqueline said...

That's such a cute pic of you and Carter together! :) Glad to see you guys had a wonderful time :)