Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Birthday Boy's Celebration

Since Eric is working out of town this week, we had to celebrate Carter's birthday a little early.  So Monday night after work and dinner, we let him open all of his presents from us.  As usual, he didn't spend too much time looking at the fall clothes we got him.  But he loved everything else!!

His Spiderman dish set Eric found for him in Tahoe.

I think he got 6 or 7 new books.

And he was in dire need of a new backpack.  His bag that goes to daycare was the one from the hospital from when he was born - and it was WORN.OUT.  So a while back, he picked out a Spiderman backpack at Toys 'r Us.  He was so excited to wear this to daycare yesterday!!

And let's not forget the BIKE!!!!  Even though it was dark by the time we showed him the bike, he still wanted to go cruising around the neighborhood.  We settled for a ride to the mailbox and back.

He also got a helmet and elbow/knee pads, but he rushed out with only the helmet on his head.  And with the head injuries this kid has incurred thus far in his life, the helmet really was the most important part, lol!!

Overall, I think he had a pretty darn good birthday!

1 comment:

♥Jacqueline said...

Yay!! Nothing better than a happy birthday at the age of 3 ;)